The energy of the mind is the essence of life- Aristotle
New season, new change, out with the old and stepping into that version of strength like never before. All that does not serve the highest good for the well being of self must shed away. That moment is now more than ever, so let us look into what this looks like.
How in the world can we navigate through our emotions with others that surround us?!
Well to begin this wonderful journey, we all have an up to our down, the high from the low points and this is life and natural way of the seasons changing. Cold to hot and south to north.
Emotions, to find bliss and remember the place of resentment. Total opposites, but there is a choice to be made here. Every human that is conscious and aware has this same opportunity.
Ownership & Responsibility.
Only to really take on what is actually ours to hold and obtain, some deny all and the exact opposing side takes full ownership.
The best HEALING MANTRA HERE, from my perspective of course.
" I care , but it is not mine to carry. "
Thanks to my coach Kari Whipkey!
Really stepping back and observing the perspective that conflict and strive does not matter, the big picture concept is unity and connection in a wholesome and full hearted compassionate way for one another. In order for that to fully take effect , we have some cleaning house to do. Of course in this case, our home is within ourselves.
Checking points/pit stops.
Any and all mental pauses and long contemplations that we go in circles about. Physically, actually running around and exerting our energy to and using actual muscle and efforts with. Soul aligned, this might be tricky for those fresh into the healing journey; just for the fact of some familiar and connected feels to another soul might be due to the wounds of trauma and pain. The cycle/tradition/pattern to be aware and discerning of is one is harmful and diminishing. The opposing is full love and fulfillment, with a sweet dash of bliss on the top.
As in english class, teaching how to find the plot, read the context and details in between to find that focal point that is the gold we desire. ( Energy fulfillment )
Super simple to find, look at all who you surround with. When, times and moments during the day. Where to you find yourself, in what direction do you face with fulfillment and facing inward success and rejuvenation. How much , look at the exact give and take and be logical of truth. Clouded judgement is ego, human based. Soul just is a knowing and feeling of ease.
That was a practice that took some big transition for my plugs.
Cut cord ceremonies all over for my own healing process.
I do offer this service if this is a difficult process.
The self reflection connection is a huge port and plug of a fulfillment/depletion healing process that also took me into a confident and successful mindset.
Really look in the mirror and reflect on the thoughts that give or take from support and compassion to your inner well being.
Mindest, calling in what you put out is a real deal. Any and all activities and mindset you carry have thoughts and actions that are sprinkled out through the day and that is, to reap and sow.
Definition of reap what one sows
: to experience the same kind of things that one has caused other people to experience.
Change, that achievement to fulfillment and all that needs movement to embody alignment will need to shift. It does not change, if it does not change.
Baby steps in this huge transition, daily practice to water and nourish the seedling to grow for the new version of yourself. Give space and understanding to the mind , body , and soul for this higher self to mature into this person you are going to become. Into the stronger and brighter person desired to be.
Observe, where in the daily tasks do you give to yourself and water your own beauty and golden light. Open the heart a little more each day, kind words, joyful activities for the physical movement, of course to de/be whatever sets the soul on fire! Sing/paint/dance, all creation is in and from the soul. SO BE YOUR DAMN SELF!
Hold the vision.
The dream, aspirations,goals, holding the faith and remain in alignment, the desires become reality. No matter the emotion and expressions that need to flow through, let them do just that. Allow that natural process to occur, but let them go. Hold your ground with heart, remain determined and resilient to gain that bigger picture that you can and will claim and achieve.
All energy is from feelings in our human body, that is what the point is to navigate direction and healing. Finding the parts of bliss and excitement, then seeing what holds you back. Rewire that brain from that energy you fill your day with, all that you hear through those ears, taste, talk, feel, touch. All has a connection, be wise with your currency.
Finishing touch.
Abundance, wealth, prosperity is a wave of frequency, energy, alignment with what you believe. Really open the door to what feels like safety to you , freedom to you. Connection to those feels , that happiness and ease with pure fulfillment. The rest will follow to click into place, that external world will reflect that internal world. Claim all desires. Releasing how that will happen. Fell and believe all that currency has to offer, what that experience is, the emotions that guide celebration and excitement. Really it is that easy, just allow that energy to live, breathe, live in your life. Taking a moment to just enjoy life.
We are not guaranteed tomorrow and yesterday is gone.